My Radio Controlled Model Aircraft and visits to Model Airshows over the years!
I decided to take things from the start again with me being out of the RC game for nearly 35 years. Joined Teesside Model Flying Club at Redmarshall in the North East of the UK, and with thanks to a couple of the instructors their, David Carr and Mike Swales I passed my A-test. I do have several models in the loft from all those years ago.. unfourtunaly though they all need a lot of work to get them airworthy again, if im honest "probably too much work" anyway here's the models ive got airworthy at the time of writing..
My first aircraft since starting flying
models again.. The Alpha 40 Trainer with a Evolution 46 engine.... this shot
was took before its first flight in 2012 and still going strong in 2015..
fly's great but had problems with engine surging on full power, after a bit
of research on internet it seems sorted now after taking the baffle out and
fitting a four stroke plug!!!
Not into Helicopters, but bought this mini one while on holiday in Florida
early 2012.. Nice indoor flyer and if im honest isn't that hard to fly due
to the gyro it has..
Bought this Beaver at our Redmarshall RC Club
annual Airshow 2014.. built it up with a thunder Tiger 54 four stroke engine and took this shot after its second
Piper Cub, Got this given from a guy at the local speedway late 2014. It
needed a couple of things doing, but this electric park flyer is a bit under
powered and not too keen flying in windy conditions, however this three
channel is a nice flyer and very docile in the right weather conditions..
The Fox Electric Glider was a 2014 Christmas present from my
parents.. shot after its first flight in early 2015. Great for
throwing in the back of the car and heading up to the flying field for a
couple of quick flights in the cold winter months... a great flyer as well even
though its only 3 channel.
Turbo jet which is a scale Cessna 550 Citation 2 executive jet .. bought this in early 2015,
and put retracts and flaps on it. Picture taken the day before its first
flight Aug 2015..
Radio Controlled Models at Airshows etc that ive visited over the years..
Milan Malpensa Airport (Italy) 16 September 2007
Found this beast (Italian Air Force G-222) in the terminal at Milan Malpensa Airport while waiting to board my flight back to the UK.
Redmarshall Airshow (UK) 06 June 2010
Danish Air Force Starfighter.. shame I didn't see this beast fly as it looked the part...
Elvington Large Model Airshow (UK) 10 Aug 2013.
Fantastic Large model Airshow with great displays and models, but the high light for me was seeing the unbelievable Vulcan and VC10 fly..... anyway several shots from the days visit...
Elvington Large Model Airshow (UK) 09 Aug 2014.
Again.. fantastic show and some great flying displays in the very breezy conditions but the Vulcan was the star again for me..
Redmarshall Airshow (UK) 07 June 2015.
Nice selection of models at this years Airshow, my favourite was the Douglas C-47 Dakota which dropped parachutists, but not to be out done was the very nice scale chipmunk, and also.. the detail in the Hawk looking jet was incredible..